Under The aegis of Himachal Pradesh Council for Science, Technology & Environment, Shimla (H.P.)


The State of Himachal Pradesh being a mountain state is very sensitive and vulnerable to the climate induced changes in the micro and macro environment. As a follow up of the Himalayan Chief Ministers Conclave on "Indian Himalyas: Glaciers, Climate Change & Livelihoods" held at Shimla on october 29-30,2009 and the joint programme evolved their in called 'Shimla Declaration on Climate Change and Himalayan Development'. A State Centre on Climate Change was set up under the aegis of the State Council for Science Technology & Environment. This centre has been established with the objectives to coordinate amongst scientific, academic, NGOs and other research institutions in and outside the state for pursuing research in the field of climate change and its impact on the Himalayan Ecosystem so that adaptation plans and policies relevant to the state of H.P. could be evolved. Besides this, the Centre would also implement the mandate laid down in the National Action Plan on Climate Change and the Eight National Missions on climate change in the state so that the state's initiatives could be dovetailed with the centre's initiatives.

Contact information

 Contact No.

Tele Fax: 0177-2656489, Email:


 Himachal Pradesh Council for Science, Technology & Environment, (HIMCOSTE) Vigyan Bhawan, Bemloe, Shimla-171001 H.P.

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